Thursday, 27 October 2016

How to make UN-HACK-ABLE PASSWORD for your security purpose...

As per our last post, We decided to share...

How to make UN-HACK-ABLE PASSWORD for your security purpose...

- Actually you can make this UN-HACK-ABLE Password through your Smartphone easily.

- Just whenever you are going to type your "Password" 

- To Access this letters simply hold down a letter on the Keyboard as per shown in the following Picture.

And select any letter with from top symbols.

You will think this thing is common, but in hacking process each letters have a different role. This will make your Password much stronger than Others. And one important thing, if you are keeping this type of password, Don't Forget about it. ;)

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If any doubt please lets us know through your comments.
Stay Connected, Stay Safe.
2-Mind Solutions.

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