Wednesday, 11 May 2016

How To Hack WhatsApp Accounts

‪‎Method‬ – 1
Requirements‬ –
#1. Few Minutes.
#2. Android Phone of your friend or victim.
So lets try to hack whats app account online 2016, just take out your few minutes from your time. and take your friends phone or victims phone. now its your headache how you take your friends android phone.without rooting you can hack anyone account.

‪‎Steps‬ To Hack WhatsApp Messaging 2016.
#1. First of all take your friend’s (Victims) Android phone.
#2. Now go to Victims SD card or in Internal Memory where Whatsapp folder located > WhatsApp > Database option.
#3. Now you have to find two files named –
#4. Now copy these above two files from your friend’s (Victim) android phone.
After copying you have to transfer that files into your PC or your own phone. and then follow below steps to decode crypt code.
#1. As you follow all above steps. now you have to decode that .crypt code.
#2. Open WhatsApp crypt.
#3. As Your whatsapp crypt open > select Choose file.
#4. Now upload that copied file which u get from your victims android phone.
#5. Boom !! here now you read all message of ur victims

#Method – 2
#1. Simply install the WhatsApp on your android phone.
#2. Get your victim’s mobile and find the MAC address of your victims’s phone. i.e. 34:3f:4a:46:a5:34 etc.See below how to find MAC Address Of Android Phone.
#3. Android Go to Settings > About phone > Status > Wi-Fi MAC address.
iPhone Go to Settings > General > About > Wi-Fi Address.
Windows phone Go to Settings > About > More info > MAC address.
BlackBerry Phone Go to Options > Device > Device and Status info > WLAN MAC.
#4. Now find your own MAC address and replace your MAC with your victims MAC Address.
For example if your victim’s MAC address is like 34:3f:4a:46:a5:34 , then you also have to replace your MAC address with victims MAC Address.
#5. Replacement of MAC address is not possible so you have to use MacDaddy X or WifiSpoof on iphone. OR
For Android –
Install BusyBox –Download Busybox.
Terminal Emulato – Download Emulato.
#6. Install whatsapp on your phone as you install normally and enter your victim’s phone number.As u enter the verification code the whatsapp will run.
#7. Now delete that verification message from your victim’s phone.
#8. Now you can receive your victim’s all messages not only receive you can also send messages from your phone.
Note – 2-Mind Solution blog don’t take any responsibility of any illegal activity by you. i hope you all learn this only for educational purpose.
So Above Is new latest whatsapp tricks to hack whatsapp account in using these two method you can easily hack or read and even freedom to send messages.

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