Wednesday, 3 February 2016

How to get unlimited followers on INSTAGRAM

How to get unlimited followers on INSTAGRAM

Things you'll needed:
-Get follower APK
-Two Accounts [One Fake & One Original]
-A OG INSTAGRAM & One original INSTAGRAM to control both accounts

Firstly create two Accounts in INSTAGRAM if you already have it, then it's good.

After that download and install Get Follower APK & get login in that app by INSTAGRAM accounts.

 Here is the direct download link of get FOLLOWERS app, just copy the link in browser and download will start

Now from fake accounts follow everyone and collect Coins as much as you can. When you think it's enough now for getting Follower,

Switch to another account and click on get Followers
For 25+ FOLLOWERS you will have to pay 50 Coins
50+ FOLLOWERS =100Coins
100+ FOLLOWERS =200Coins
300+ FOLLOWERS =600Coins
500+ FOLLOWERS =1000Coins
And so on....

That's it BOOM! There are the FOLLOWERS List..

If you face any problem comment below or DM me..
Surf Safe Think before you Click. ;)


  1. PLEASE give more details about the GET FOLLOWERS APP,i mean the Makers Name and all so it will be easy for us to Download the precise app only.And also explain me what is an OG INSTAGRAM.

  2. That app is from unknown source @jugal I don't know the developers name but I'll upload the download link shortly..


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