Sunday, 28 February 2016

Free Calls from any network to any network with Salman Khan

Now, I am going to tell you a killer trick to make free calls. It will work for all network operators like idea, Vodafone, DoCoMo, bsnl etc. Really speaking, this is not a trick but official offer from wheel washing powder. Only limitation is that you can make call of maximum 2 minutes.

How to use this free calling trick?

1> call 1800-2080-2080 and it will be disconnected automatically.

2> within 1 minute, you will receive call from wheel asking for number which you want to dial.

3> Dial it using number pad and enjoy high quality call for free for 2 minutes. You can use it multiple times to save your balance..

It's tested by 2mind Solutions, hope you will like it.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

How to Hack Facebook Account From Android 2016


#Follow The Given Steps Below :-

1) At First Download Faceniff App

2) Connect to the working network connection and open the FaceNiff app.

3)Now click the red button and it will then turn green when the sniffer is on. It is like Firesheep for android devices.

(Firesheep is a Firefox add-on that allowed unscrupulous users to do the same thing. FaceNiff has a leg up on Firesheep though, since the app runs on Android phones, doesn’t require any real customization to run, and even supports WPA encrypted wireless networks, as long as you’re already on the network.Press the enter button and It would show a list of all the accounts which are connected to the network and you could hi jack into that all accounts.This is official Method)

 4) Click on the account which you wish to hack and you will automatically logged in the account in which you wish you to.

5) Now you can do whatever you want with the hacked account...

 Do not miss use with this, it's only for educational purposes...

Saturday, 20 February 2016

How Hackers hack credit cards or debit cards password Online

Hello Friends, today i will explain you how the credit cards hack works. How hackers hack the credit cards using packet sniffing and session Hijacking. In this tutorial we will discuss how we can exploit the vulnerability in credit or debit card functionality to hack the credit or debit cards password. Nowadays Internet banking and credit cards are very common methods of funds transfer and online shopping. And the most interesting thing is that it is done over SSL (click here to learn more about SSL). So people always have a misconception that their accounts cannot be hacked as their transactions are secured by extra security Layer i.e. SSL but its quite easy to break the SSL. So its always better to secure your computer and internet connection rather than depending on payment sites . So guys first of all we should know How the Credit cards work and how transactions performed. So guys read on..
First of guys let me tell you its virtually impossible to see the actual data that is transferring during a transaction but using session hijacking and packet sniffing we can achieve that but that also is in the encrypted format so if we are able to get that then we can move to further step to crack the encrypted data. So lets start the tutorial…

What really is attack?
The fatal flaw that enabled the sensitive information to be stolen is possible when an end-user is not properly educated on an easy to do and well-known SSL exploit – SSL MITM. The hackers take benefit of that to get access your sensitive data. As its a great saying PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. So an properly educated end user is really the requirement so that he can block all loopholes in the system. I have already shared two articles with you about how to secure yourself. First one is Make your computer 100% hacker proof (Click here to read) and other is 10 easy tips to secure your computer(click here to read) .

How the Hack works and How to do it?
First thing i will tell you hacking credit or debit cards is illegal and it will result in serious consequences like 10 years imprisonment and much more. This tutorial is for educational purposes only. I am explaining this tutorial is just to make you aware that how it works.
How the hacker will do it?? suppose you are using a wifi connection to connect to internet. Now what hacker will do it will hack your wifi network and connect to it. He runs a series of utilities to redirect other user’s data through his machine. He runs a number of other utilities to sniff the data, act as an SSL Certificate Server and to be the Man-the-Middle.
The following diagram shows a very simplified graphic of how your SSL Banking session should work under normal conditions, then how it would work during an attack:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
An important concept to grasp here is that a certificate is used to establish the secure SSL connection. This is a good thing, if you have a good certificate and are connecting directly to the website to which you intended to use. Then all your data is encrypted from your browser to the SSL website where the bank’s website will use the information from the certificate it gave you to decrypt your data/credentials. If that is truly the case, then it is pretty darn hard for a hacker to decrypt the data/credentials being transmitted, even if he is able to sniff your data.
This is a bad thing if you have a “Fake” certificate being sent from the hacker, and you are actually connecting to his machine, not directly to the bank’s website. In this case, your credentials are being transmitted between your browser and the hacker’s machine. The hacker is able to grab that traffic, and, because he gave you the certificate to encrypt the data/credentials, he can use that same certificate to decrypt your data/credentials.


 The first thing he would do is turn on Fragrouter, so that his machine can perform IP forwarding
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
After that, he’ll want to direct your Wi-Fi network traffic to his machine instead of your data traffic going directly to the Internet. This enables him to be the “Man-in-the-Middle” between your machine and the Internet. Using Arpspoof, a real easy way to do this, he determines your IP address is and the Default Gateway of the Wi-Fi network is
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
The next step is to enable DNS Spoofing via DNSSpoof:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
Since he will be replacing the Bank’s or Online Store’s valid certificate with his own fake one, he will need to turn on the utility to enable his system to be the Man-in-the-Middle for web sessions and to handle certificates. This is done via webmitm:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
At this point, he is setup and ready to go, he now needs to begin actively sniffing your data passing through his machine including your login information and credit card info. He opts to do this with Ethereal, then saves his capture:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
He now has the data, but it is still encrypted with 128-bit SSL. No problem, since he has the key. What he simply needs to do now is decrypt the data using the certificate that he gave you. He does this with SSL Dump:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
The data is now decrypted and he runs a Cat command to view the now decrypted SSL information. Note that the username is “Bankusername” and the password is “BankPassword”. Conveniently, this dump also shows that the Banking site as National City. FYI, the better, more secure banking and online store websites will have you first connect to another, preceeding page via SSL, prior to connecting to the page where you enter the sensitive information such as bank login credentials or credit card numbers. The reason for this is to stop the MITM-type attack. How this helps is that if you were to access this preceeding page first with a “fake” certificate and then proceeded to the next page where you were to enter the sensitve information, that page where you would enter the sensitive information would not display. That is because the page gathering the sensitive information would be expecting a valid certificate, which it would not receive because of the Man-in-the-Middle. While some online banks and stores do implement this extra step/page for security reasons, the real flaw in this attack is the uneducated end-user, as you’ll soon see:
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With this information, he can now log into your Online Banking Account with the same access and privileges as you. He could transfer money, view account data, etc.
Below is an example of a sniffed SSL credit card purchase/transaction. You can see that Elvis Presley was attempting to make a purchase with his credit card 5440123412341234 with an expiration date of 5/06 and the billing address of Graceland in Memphis, TN (He is alive!). If this was your information, the hacker could easily make online purchases with your card.
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password

Also Real Bad News for SSL VPN Admins

This type of attack could be particularly bad for corporations. The reason for this is that Corporate SSL VPN solutions are also vulnerable to this type of attack. Corporate SSL VPN solutions will often authenticate against Active Directory, the NT Domain, LDAP or some other centralized credentials data store. Sniffing the SSL VPN login then gives an attacker valid credentials to the corporate network and other systems.

What an End-User Needs To Know

There’s a big step and end-user can take to prevent this from taking place. When the MITM Hacker uses the “bad” certificate instead of the “good”, valid certificate, the end-user is actually alerted to this. The problem is that most end-users don’t understand what this means and will unknowingly agree to use the fake certificate. Below is an example of the Security Alert an end-user would receive. Most uneducated end-users would simply click “Yes”… and this is the fatal flaw:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
By clicking “Yes”, they have set themselves up to be hacked. By clicking the “View Certificate” button, the end-user would easily see that there is a problem. Below are examples of the various certificate views/tabs that show a good certificate compared to the bad certificate:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
Left One Good Certificate and right one fake certificate

How an End-User Can Prevent This

  • Again, the simple act of viewing the certificate and clicking “No” would have prevented this from happening.
  • Education is the key for an end-user. If you see this message, take the time to view the certificate. As you can see from the examples above, you can tell when something doesn’t look right. If you can’t tell, err on the side of caution and call your Online Bank or the Online store.
  • Take the time to read and understand all security messages you receive. Don’t just randomly click yes out of convenience.

How a Corporation Can Prevent This

  • Educate the end-user on the Security Alert and how to react to it.
  • Utilize One Time Passwords, such as RSA Tokens, to prevent the reuse of sniffed credentials.
  • When using SSL VPN, utilize mature products with advanced features, such as Juniper’s Secure Application Manager or Network Connect functionality.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

How to unlock (and Play) hidden chess game inside Facebook Messenger.

What can you do with Facebook Messenger?

    Chat with your friends
    Send GIFs, stickers, and photos
    Make video calls
    Send people money in Messenger

Have you ever wondered to Play a game while you chat with friends?

Yes, it is possible.

Facebook had made it to the reality by building a hidden built-in functionality in Facebook Messenger that lets you play Chess with your friends without having to install a third-party app.

It just takes one simple step to unlock this hidden game.

All you need to do is: type "@fbchess play" and hit Enter, during a conversation, and a small square box would appear in the chat box.

Here's how to play: The person who initiated the game would be assigned "White" side, to make the first movement.

Although there is some standard algebraic notation like:-

    B for “Bishop”
    R for “Rook”
    Q for “Queen”
    K for “King”
    N for “Knight”
    P for “Pawn”

Pawns could be moved by issuing the simple commands with numbers (along with the vertical axes).

For, e.g. If your first play would take the second pawn from the left and move it up one block, you would write: ‘@fbchess Pb3,’ or simply ‘@fbchess b3.'

You could refer to the help section by issuing the command "@fbchess help" for the possible commands to assist you throughout the game.

It turns out that the commands are case sensitive. The board will update and notify you whether it is your turn to play.

You can undo a move with "@fbchess undo" command or by clicking the "undo" button — but your opponent has to accept the request to undo.

The game would also allow you to have a conversation during the game with your friend, resumes the game by issuing the game commands.

FB Chess is currently available for both mobile and web platforms, eliminating the need to download it separately.

This new Productive Time Killer Game initiated to entertain its users by sharpening brain while having a chat with your mate equally.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

How to get unlimited followers on INSTAGRAM

How to get unlimited followers on INSTAGRAM

Things you'll needed:
-Get follower APK
-Two Accounts [One Fake & One Original]
-A OG INSTAGRAM & One original INSTAGRAM to control both accounts

Firstly create two Accounts in INSTAGRAM if you already have it, then it's good.

After that download and install Get Follower APK & get login in that app by INSTAGRAM accounts.

 Here is the direct download link of get FOLLOWERS app, just copy the link in browser and download will start

Now from fake accounts follow everyone and collect Coins as much as you can. When you think it's enough now for getting Follower,

Switch to another account and click on get Followers
For 25+ FOLLOWERS you will have to pay 50 Coins
50+ FOLLOWERS =100Coins
100+ FOLLOWERS =200Coins
300+ FOLLOWERS =600Coins
500+ FOLLOWERS =1000Coins
And so on....

That's it BOOM! There are the FOLLOWERS List..

If you face any problem comment below or DM me..
Surf Safe Think before you Click. ;)

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

How to Get a Working Phone Number from Almost Anywhere in the World

With all of the productivity tweaks and usability enhancements that we cover here at Gadget Hacks, it's nice when we come across a unique and noteworthy app that's simply about having fun.
This is the case with the latest offering from the development team at Privax. Their app allows you to spoof a phone number from many countries across the world, and even offers a free trial with a dollar's worth of credits to call and send text messages. It's up to you to decide what you want to do with your new international number, but I'm sure this one leaves a lot of wiggle room for pranking your friends.

Step 1: Install Hide My Phone

Privax's app is available in both the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store, so search it by name on your device's respective app store to get it installed.

Step 2: Create an Account

When you first launch Hide My Phone, the app will ask you to create an account. Enter a valid email address and a password that you can remember, then press the "Get Started" button.
From here, you can either start up a free trial of the service, or purchase credits directly. I'd recommend going with the free trial option at first, since the service is brand new and can occasionally have server issues. The free trial comes with a $1 calling credit and expires after 7 days.

Step 3: Choose Your Phone Number

After account setup is complete, you'll have to decide which country your new phone number will originate from. Select the country, then choose the specific region within that country.
From here, you'll be given a list of all the available numbers in this region. Select your new phone number, then you'll see a rundown of your trial period and account details.

Step 4: Making Calls & Send Messages with Your New Number

From Hide My Phone's main menu, tap the phone icon at the bottom of the screen to make a call. You can call anywhere in the world, but long-distance rates apply and will be deducted from your account credits.
If you experience any issues at this juncture, Hide My Phone's servers may be experiencing heavy traffic loads. Close the app and re-open it to attempt to establish another connection.
Then, if you'd like to message someone from your new number, tap the icon in the bottom-right corner. Your messages will be sent over SMS to their intended recipients.
If you're using your number to prank a friend and you feel like they're onto you, tap the "bomb" icon in the lower-left corner. All of your call logs and messages will self-destruct, removing all traces of your recent activity.

How to Really Connect Your Instagram Account to Facebook on Your iPhone

I recently ran into a problem connecting my Instagram app on my iPhone 5 to Facebook, and neither Instagram's or Facebook's help pages were as helpful as they claim to be.
Instagram 3.4 is supposed to have improved sharing integration for iOS 6, supposedly making the connection to Facebook simplified and seamless on an iPhone 5.
Once you first try to share a photo on Instagram to Facebook, it will tell you to go to iOS Settings -> Privacy -> Facebook and then turn on Instagram to give it access.
If you're lucky, it will be as simple as that. But if you're like me, you'll never even see Instagram in the options.
As the help page on Instagram suggested, I deleted both Facebook and Instagram, then reinstalled, but it still would not work. Other folks on the web suggested disabling restrictions by going to iOS Settings -> General ->Restrictions and making sure it was disabled. Mine already was. Facebook offered no help on the matter.
It could have just been a temporary glitch, but no matter what I tried, I kept getting the message to enable Instagram in the Facebook privacy settings on my iPhone, where Instagram never appeared. So, if you've been having that problem too, this is what finally solved it for me.

How to Finally Connect Your Instagram to Facebook

The trick is getting on your computer and going to the Instagram app page on Facebook, which you can get to directly from this link. Make sure you're logged into your Facebook account before doing this, on both the online and mobile version.
NOTE: You will not be able to do this in Safari on your iPhone, because clicking on the Instagram app on mobile Facebook there will merely send you to the Instagram app already installed on your iPhone or to the one in the App Store. So, make sure you are doing this on your computer.
Once on the Instagram app page on your computer, click on Send to Mobileto "send" the app to your iPhone. Since you're already logged into the Facebook app on your iPhone, this will simply send out a notification to you.
Once you get the notification on your iPhone, click on it. If you missed the popup, you can always find it in the notifications bar, too.
This will open up your notifications in the Facebook app.
Then, click on that notification and you should be golden. It will open up the Instagram app on your iPhone and finally let you share your photos.
To verify, you can go back to the Facebook Privacy settings and see that Instagram is now turned on and not missing entirely.
And that's it. Pretty simple, despite this not being noted anywhere online. You'd think that since Facebook owns Instagram, that something like this wouldn't happen.
Maybe it just happened to be down temporarily while I was initially attempting this, but just in case it's happening to you, this will hopefully get you connected.

Monday, 1 February 2016

How to Turn Your Samsung Galaxy S4 into a Wireless Shutter Release Remote for Your DSLR Camera

From amateurs to professionals, DSLR cameras are the standard weapon of choice for most photographers. If you own one, then you probably know how expensive of a hobby photography can be. A good starter camera can run between $400 and $500. Then there are accessories like tripods, lenses, filters, and memory cards that can slowly empty out your wallet.
If you own a Samsung Galaxy S4, one accessory you don't have to spend money on is a wireless remote shutter release. The GS4 has a built-in IR (infrared) blaster, just like the HTC One does, which can be used to control TVs, radios, and you guessed it—DSLR cameras!
Follow along and I'll show you how to use your GS4 to wirelessly take photos with your DSLR. This works great for group photos that you want to be in, or when capturing photos from a distance or at odd angles.

Step 1: Make Sure Your DSLR Is Compatible

The app we'll be using, DSLR Remote, utilizes your Samsung Galaxy S4's built-in IR blaster, so you'll need a DSLR with an IR receiver. For this tutorial, I'll be using a Nikon D3000, which has the IR receiver on the front, under the red accent on the grip.
Some cameras may have them on both the back and front, or not at all. Consult your DSLR's manual if you're not sure. If you don't have one, scroll down to the bottom of this article for an alternate method.
Below is a list of camera manufacturers that the app supports.

Step 2: Set Up the DSLR Remote App

DSLR Remote was created by developer Bitshift and can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store.
From the app's main screen, tap your GS4's menu button, then tap onSettings.
Make sure to configure the following settings:
  1. Set Remote Type to Infrared.
  2. Set Hardware to Samsung IR Blaster.
  3. Set Camera to your DSLR's manufacturer.

Step 3: Enable Remote Mode on Your DSLR

Now we'll set up remote control shooting on your DSLR. The menus pictured below will be from my Nikon D3000. It's an older model, but the process and general layout of the menus should be similar amongst newer models.
Navigate to your camera's Release mode. By default, it's set to [S] for Single frame.
Change it to a Remote setting (the icon will be a remote along with wavy lines). Both Nikon and Canon have options for quick-response remote and 2 second delayed remote. The latter is useful if you want to get into a shot, fire the shutter, and pocket the phone so it won't be in the picture.
Your DSLR's shutter can now be activated via remote!

Step 4: Use Your New DSLR Remote

From DSLR Remote's main menu, tap on Remote.
Here you'll be greeted by a very simple screen — a single button in the middle, labeled with an S for Shutter.
To take a picture, simply frame your shot, point the top of your Galaxy S4 towards your DSLR, and tap the S button.

Timer, Random, and HDR Modes

There are three additional shooting modes, all of which are easily accessible from the main menu.
Timer mode works great for time-lapse photography. Since you can control the camera without physically touching the shutter button, you can prevent accidental camera shake from ruining your photos.
Here are the settings you'll have to tinker for Timer mode:
  • Delay: How long before the shutter fires.
  • Shutter: How long your shutter is open (to be used in conjunction with your DSLR's Bulb setting for long exposures; on my Nikon this setting was found in Manual mode by scrolling through the shutter speeds).
  • Interval: How long between shots (if you have more than one).
  • Shots: How many shots you want taken.
Once you've adjusted the settings to your needs, tap the Start button to start shooting.
Random mode lets you set a certain amount of time, and will fire the shutter at random times (however many shots you choose).
Just set the min. and max. times to however long you want the interval to be, how long you need the Shutter open (if necessary), and how many shots you want to take. Again, you would point your GS4 at your camera and pressStart to begin shooting.
Last, but not least, is HDR or high-dynamic range mode. HDR photos are a composite of the same photo taken several times at different exposure levels, bringing out a richer array of colors.
There's a Stops option to change the exposure value (EV), however it didn't seem to work with my Nikon, possibly because it's an older model. I had to manually change the exposure on the camera itself in-between shots.
The Shots option is how many shots you want taken, and Center is the length of time to base your shooting sequence around. For example, pictured above is a sequence with 20 seconds as the center. The camera will take pictures at 5 seconds, 20 seconds, then 1.3 minutes.

No IR Receiver on Your DSLR? Make a Bluetooth Dongle

If you're an experienced DIY-er, you might have some fun putting together aBluetooth cable for the app. For required materials, and step-by-step guides, check out developer bitshift's Hardware page on his website. For camera compatibility, as long as your DSLR has a remote option for using a 2.5mm jack, it should work.
Once you've fashioned together the cable and dongle, don't forget to head into the app's settings and change Remote Type to Cable instead ofInfrared.
Able to get some really cool time-lapse or HDR photos with the help of this app? 

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Top 5 ways to use trial software forever Trial version software mostly comes with one month or a few days trial period and will expire af...