Monday, 21 September 2015

How to Get Lollipop Style Incoming Call Banner in Android Versions Lower Than Android Lollipop

Step 1: Download the App Lollipop Call

Step 2: Start the App and You Are Done

You have to just open the app one time, No setup required at all.
But you have many customisation options in the app.

Step 3: Change Theme, Language or Position

You can choose theme out of 14 color theme options and You can change language of the app too. Change the position of the banner as you want.

Step 4: Receive a Call

When you receives a call you'll see the banner. Choose action to take call or reject call. You can change the position at this time also and it'll save for next time.

Step 5: More Features

You can disable the banner on lock screen, because you are not playing with your phone at that time.
You can hide the banner and see the original call screen after picking the call.
A feature rich app can make you KING of your phone.
Enjoy :)

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