Friday, 25 September 2015

How to Increase Battery Life on Your iPhone Running iOS 9

1. Monitor Your Battery to Identify Problem Apps

Within the Battery preferences inside the Settings app, you can monitor which apps are draining your battery most, then decide whether or not to uninstall them—or at least force-close them.
If your home screen is the biggest battery hog, like mine is, enable Auto-Lock to automatically lock your device after 1 minute or 30 seconds, as opposed to 2-5 minutes or never. (Suggestions like this don't always appear on the Battery page, unless you have issues that need addressed.)

2. Turn Off Background App Refresh

Another way to keep apps from draining unnecessary power is by going to Settings -> General and disabling Background App Refresh, either for all of your apps or individual ones. This stops your device from constantly refreshing app content in the background, as opposed to refreshing it once you open the app. (This is also a great tool when traveling with limited data.)

3. Disable Auto-Brightness

Unless you're too lazy to adjust it yourself, turn off Auto-Brightness in the Display & Brightness settings. More often than not, my display's brightness is higher than needed when this feature is on, so I adjust it manually most of the time to keep it from draining my battery.

4. Disable Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, & AirDrop When You Don't Them

You can save significant battery life just by pulling up your Control Center and making a few quick adjustments. For instance, if you're not using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, then turn those things off. If Bluetooth needs to remain on, then turn off AirDrop (which will also prevent cyberflashing).

5. Disable Notifications for Certain Apps

Not every notification you receive is important or useful. Aside from the essentials, like email and messages, toggle off the app notifications you don't need. Just go to Settings -> Notifications and disable notifications for individual apps one by one.

6. Set Your Device to Fetch Data Less Frequently

Although you still want to keep email notifications enabled, you can limit how frequently your device fetches new data from within the Mail, Contacts, Calendars preferences. Just select Fetch New Data, toggle off Push, and select how frequently new data is fetched (every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hourly, or manually).

7. Disable Handoff

Disable the Handoff feature, located inside of Settings -> General -> Handoff & Suggested Apps. When enabled, you can start a task on one device (an iPad, iPhone, or Mac), then hand it off and finish it on another—but how many of you actually use it, or would use it? I have a Mac and have never found it useful, and there's a good chance you feel the same way.

8. Disable Suggested Apps for Lock Screen & App Switcher

Also within the Handoff & Suggested Apps preferences is a Suggested Apps toggle, which suggests apps based off regular activity and location. You may have noticed this on your lock screen or within your device's app switcher, but if you're not using it, do yourself the favor and toggle it off.

9. Disable App Store Updates

Within the App and iTunes Store preferences, turn off Automatic Updates. This will halt background processes by the App Store as it monitors updates from the installed apps on your device.

10. Disable Fitness Tracking (If You're Not Trying to Get in Shape)

The Health app tracks motion and fitness by accessing sensor data like body movement and step count, but if you don't use it, turn it off. There's no reason to have your device track your fitness if you're not trying to get in shape. Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Motion & Fitness to toggle off Fitness Tracking—either for the Health app itself or for all apps.

11. Limit Ad Tracking on Your Device

Also within the Privacy settings is Advertising. What you want to do here is toggle on Limit Ad Tracking. This will limit how often your device is tracked and supplied with targeted ads by advertisers.

12. Disable Location Services for Certain Apps

The Location Services preferences within the Privacy settings are also worth looking at when trying to extend battery life. If you want, disable it completely, but what I tend to do is adjust it on a per-app basis. For instance, I can allow Instagram to only access my location when I'm within the app in order for me to tag a location.

13. Toggle Off Frequent Locations

Digging deeper into the Location Services preferences, head into System Services a the bottom of the page. Here you'll find additional toggles that can be turned off, like Homekit, Compass Calibration, and Location-Based iAds. You can also turn off Frequent Locations, which allows your iPhone to track where you go in order to provide "location-related information."

14. Don't Send Data to Apple

Lastly, before leaving the Privacy preferences, go into Diagnostics & Usage. Although sending data to Apple contributes to development and makes iOS a better experience for everyone, I like to think that there are enough iPhone users that have this feature enabled, so I opt to save battery instead.

15. Disable Certain iCloud Preferences

Within the iCloud settings, go ahead and toggle off everything you don't need or use. Things like email and reminders don't necessarily need to be toggled on and stored in the cloud. This should only be done if you pretty much only use one Apple device.

16. Reduce Motion

The parallax effect is a nice little touch that's been around since iOS 7, but it's not necessary (and sometimes even annoying). Turn it off from within Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Reduce Motion and you'll notice that your device feels faster without animations when launching apps.

17. Toggle Off Siri Suggestions & Search Results

Whenever you do a search of your device, Siri will suggest apps that it thinks are relevant to your search—before you even begin typing. This can take some processing power, and therefore battery power. If you don't need it, go to General -> Spotlight Search -> and toggle off Siri Suggestions. You can also toggle of apps that Spotlight peruses through whenever you perform a search. (More info on search settings here.)

18. Turn Wi-Fi Assist On

New to iOS is Wi-Fi Assist, which is found in the Cellular preferences. Using this will prevent your device from attempting to connect to a weak Wi-Fi network when a cellular connection is stronger and a better option. It's small but useful in some instances, but can be a bigger battery drain without it if your device is constantly trying to use a weak Wi-Fi hotspot.

19. Enable Low Power Mode When Needed

Although Low Power Mode may slow your device down to the speed of an iPhone 5, when you're getting really low and desperate for battery life, toggle this on to extend it by as much as three hours. For more on this, check outour Low Power Mode guide.

20. Keep It Face Down

In an effort to help save battery, Apple has included a face-down detection feature within iOS 9 that prevents the screen from lighting up when your device receives a notification when it's screen-side down. So when you're working and not concerned with notifications, set your iPhone with its display down from now on.
What do you do to extend battery life on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch? Share your tips with us in the comment section below.

Monday, 21 September 2015

How to Get Lollipop Style Incoming Call Banner in Android Versions Lower Than Android Lollipop

Step 1: Download the App Lollipop Call

Step 2: Start the App and You Are Done

You have to just open the app one time, No setup required at all.
But you have many customisation options in the app.

Step 3: Change Theme, Language or Position

You can choose theme out of 14 color theme options and You can change language of the app too. Change the position of the banner as you want.

Step 4: Receive a Call

When you receives a call you'll see the banner. Choose action to take call or reject call. You can change the position at this time also and it'll save for next time.

Step 5: More Features

You can disable the banner on lock screen, because you are not playing with your phone at that time.
You can hide the banner and see the original call screen after picking the call.
A feature rich app can make you KING of your phone.
Enjoy :)

New iPhone? How to Easily Transfer Photos, Messages, & More from Your Old Android Device

Step 1: Download Move to iOS

On your current Android device, head over to the Google Play Store to install Apple's new Move to iOS app.

Step 2: Get Your Code

After launching the app and going over the basic information, you'll be asked to enter a code, which will be found on your new iPhone (or iPad).
Within your iOS device's initial setup, when setting up your apps and data, just select "Move Data from Android" to receive your code.

Step 3: Select the Content to Transfer

After entering the code within the Move to iOS app on the Android device, select the contents and data you want to move to your iPad or iPhone. Once that's done, all you have to do is wait.
When the process is finally done, which took about five minutes for me, both devices will notify you.
Apple also provides you with a friendly reminder to recycle your Android device at your local Apple Store, but you can probably sell it for some cash instead (nice try, Apple).



Studying for an Important Test?
Google "site:edu [subject] exam".
You'll get bunch of different college exams with similar problems to what may be on your test.
Best of luck guys (y)



On you can donate rice to 3rd world countries by simply answering Questions and Playing Games.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Delete an “Undeletable” File / Folder

You all Are familiar With such kind of ERROR in windows so how to Fix them.

Step 1:- Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open. 
Step 2- Close all open programs. 
Step 3:- Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE 
Step 4:- Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe. 
Step 5:- Leave Task Manager open. 
Step 6:- Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in. 
Step 7:- At the command prompt type DEL <filename> where <filename> is the file you wish to delete. 
Step 8:- Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell. 
Step 9:- Close Task Manager.  

Or you can try this 

Step 1:- Open Notepad.exe 
Step 2:-Click File>Save As..> 
Step 3:-locate the folder where ur undeletable file is 
Step 4:-Choose 'All files' from the file type box 
Step 5:-click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box 
Step 6:-put a " at the start and end of the filename (the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it) 
Step 7:-click save,   
Step 8:-It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal  

Here's a manual way of doing it.  

Step 1:- Start 
Step 2:- Run 
Step 3:- Type: command 
Step 4:- To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars stand for your folder) 
Step 5:- If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder you have to do the following. instead of typing in the full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:\progra~1\kazaal~1 
Step 6:- Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside. 
Step 7:- Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt, jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~ and a 1 rule. Example: if your file name was bad file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file should be gone. Make sure to type in the correct extension.  

Tip:   “ You can use antivirus to remove this error if then also the problem persists then you can use the following method “.

How To fix corrupted XP files

 How To fix corrupted XP files.
How to fix corrupted windows file is very easy.Following these following steps 

Requirement: 1. Windows XP CD
Now, follow this steps:
Step 1. Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive
Step 2. Go to start Step
3. Run Step
4. Type     sfc /scannow

Now sit back and relax, it should all load and fix all your corrupted file on win XP.Hope this method can fix your corrupted xp system files.

TIP:     “ If this Does Not Work Then You Need to Format The Computer as there would be Viruses in the PC and you can can Also Use the antivirus if the Possible otherwise format the PC “.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Math solution


If you're having trouble in math,
you can go to and plug  any equation in and it will do it out and solve it for you.

Speed reading tip

"Speed Reading Tip"

Want to learn how to speed read?? is a free website designed to improved your reading speed and comprehension.

Apple Tips


Buying something from Apple??
Add it to your shopping cart, but don't buy it yet. In 7-10 days they'll give you a 15-20% discount on that item... (y) enjoy ;)

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


"Social-Site"(Raining) is a website that makes it sound like it's raining outside. Its amazing if you need to concentrate on studying... (y)


There is a free website,, that lets you type a topc and it will write the paper for you in minutes. (Use With Caution).



When you're at an airport,
add "?.jpg" at the end of any URL to bypass the expensive WiFi and access the Internet for free... (y) ;)

Monday, 7 September 2015

Youtube Hacks


Want to download a YouTube video as an mp3?

Put "listento" after "www." in the URL.



Stop using to search information for school essay,
Use instead, You will find more relevant information  right away... (y)



If you lost an Android phone in your house and it's on vibrate, you can find it by going to Google Play > Android device manager > "RING"

iphone ios 7

"Tech-Hack" (i-OS7)

If You are using ios-7 and your battery is draining like hell, go to
Setting > General > Background App Refresh > Switch it to OFF.
Its done, check it out (y)

Saturday, 5 September 2015

15 Helpful Websites Every College Student Needs To Bookmark Now!


Part of being a student is realizing that you have to learn to live frugally, since cash flow isn’t always in your favour. Learning how to budget, in fact, might be one of the toughest skills to learn, but is a website that works to help students find deals and discounts on everything from textbooks, travel and technology.


Prepare for exams easily with Koofers, which gives students access to study flashcards. The website also provides information about job and internships opportunities.

Alarmy (Sleep If U Can)

Alarm clocks are annoying enough, but the Alarmy app boasts itself as the most annoying alarm on the planet. Never miss a early morning lecture of exam ever again. Try to sleep through it – it’s not likely you will.


Students can access OpenStudy to join collaborative study environments with other students for topics including history, mathematics or science, to name a few. Get ahead of your classmates while you meet some new friends with similar interests.


Too tired to do a weekly reading for a class that doesn’t exactly peak your interests?Audible is a database of audiobooks that you can download to any of your mobile devices and help you keep up with your studies while you spend time waiting in line or walking around.


Got a bunch of textbooks that you paid way too much money on? Need to buy new books for next semester? Half, which is owned by eBay, helps students buy and sell books online and through a mobile app. Simply scan the barcode of whatever book you might need and the app will populate a list of the best deals going.


Keep your finances in check with Mint a desktop and mobile platform that helps you categorize and organize expenses, set budgets, stay on top of payments and meet financial goals, such as paying down debts.


Visualize any research topic with an interactive concept map that you can customize and share with InstaGrok. Not only does the website help make study materials a little cooler and streamlined, the interactive visual interface helps you easily remember critical information about whatever topic you please.


Never have your cell phone go off in the middle of class again and stay on your prof’s good side.
The Studious app is available for free from the Android Play store and lets you silence your phone in class, set reminders for when homework and tests are due and even save lecture notes.


It’s all too easy these days to get distracted online with website such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. SelfControl is a free Mac app available from the Apple App Store that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, e-mail servers, or anything else on the Internet for specified periods of time. Until the timer expires, you won’t be able to access any of those sites.


We’ve all heard of TED Talks, and we should all watch or listen to more of them. Not only are the “talks” motivational, they’re full of incredible useful information that you should be using as a reliable source of ideas for projects.

Dragon Dictation

The Dragon Dictation app is awesome for dictating lectures and help you keep your focus on the lecturer instead of pounding away at your keyboard trying to get down everything being said.


Keep files and folders secure in the cloud for a small monthly fee. The SugarSync app also syncs all of your files on multiple devices so you can access them from anywhere.

Wolfram Alpha

You should never use Wikipedia as a source for essays or other written projects simply because it’s all user-generated and not always completely accurate. Professors hate it, and it also make you look like a bit of an amateur. Instead, take advantage ofWolfgram Alpha is more than a search engine. It gives you access to the world’s facts and data and calculates answers across a range of topics, which is more than a search engine and gives you access to a ton of expert knowledge and trustworthy information and data across a range of topics.


This glorious app takes notes and documents and stores them in one easy-to-find place, across all of your mobile devices. If you’re an Evernote, Dropbox or Simplenote users, you can also sync those apps so any files saved within them are accessible through Notella. It also prevents you from missing any important information your professors may drop unexpectedly, saving you from missing out on critical information when you’d least expect it.

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever Trial version software mostly comes with one month or a few days trial period and will expire af...