Friday, 7 August 2015

( How To Hack Android Pattern Lock ) [Android][Guide] Hacking And Bypassing Android Password/Pattern/Face/PI


This Is For Educational Purposes Only You Shall Not Use This On Other People Phones Without Permission Under Any Circumstances I'm Not Responsible For Any Eventual Errors And Misbehaving Of Your Devices Files And Tutorials Are Used And Partially Created According My Expirience And Also Collected From Internet & XDA Forums All Regards Are Going To Their Authors

If Just Google Ask you For Password (Credentials) - You Can Turn On WIFI Via ADB In Order To Google Accept Your Device Via this Command:
adb shell svc wifi enable


The Device Needs To Have Usb Debugging Enabled
In Case Usb Debugging Isn't Enabled And You Have Recovery,you Can Run The Same Instructions From Recovery
For Some Methods Root Is Not Required (Though It Will Be Better If Device Is Rooted)

If None Of This Methods Works For You - Unfortunally You Probably Must Full Wipe Your Device


Solution For Everyone With Recovery (Cwm, Twrp, Xrec,Etc...) Installed:


1. Download this zip Pattern Password Disable (Download from attachments) on to your sdcard (using your PC, as you cant get into your phone, right )
2. Insert the sdcard into your phone
3. Reboot into recovery mode
4. Flash the zip
5. Reboot
6. Done!

Note : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.

Solution For Everyone Without Recovery Installed - ADB :

What You Need:
=>A computer running a Linux distro or Windows+Cygwin
=>USB cable to connect your phone to the PC
=>Adb installed

How to install adb:
1. Open Terminal
2. Type:
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
Hit [Enter]
3. Follow the instructions until everything is installed.

1. Connect you (turned on) Phone to the Computer via USB.
2. Open a terminal window.
3. Type:
adb devices
adb shell
cd data/system
rm *.key
4. Done...Now You Just Have To Reboot.

Note : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.

Solution For Everyone Before Lock Accident :

SMS Bypass - Download Link - Install It On Your Device (Download from attachments)
This App Allows You To Remotely Bypass Your Phone's Screen Lock By Sending A SMS.
It Removes Your Gesture Pattern Or Password After Receiving A Preset Keyword Along With A Secret Code Via SMS.
SMS Bypass App Requires Root.

1.First, make sure you give permanent root access to the app.
2.Change the secret code to your preferred choice. The default password is : 1234
3.To reset your screen lock, send the following message from another phone:
secret_code reset
1234 reset
Note 1 : There is a space between your secret code and reset. Also the secret code is case sensitive.
Note 2 : There is an option available to change the preset keyword. Default is : reset - Your phone will restart and your lock screen will be reset.
Note 3 : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.

Solution For Everyone Via Adb - SQL Command :

=>Type This Commands Separated In Your Terminal (CMD Prompt) :
adb shell
cd /data/data/
sqlite3 settings.db
update system set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';
=>Now You Just Have To Reboot.

Note : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.

Solution For Everyone Via Adb - File Removal :

=>Type This Command In Your Terminal (CMD Prompt) :
adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key
Note : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.

Solution For Everyone With USB Debugging Enabled :


Primary Step for all method:
  1. Download & Extract to anywhere - Bypass Security Hack (Download from attachments)
  2. Open SQLite Database Browser 2.0.exe in SQLite Database Browser.
  3. Run pull settings.db.cmd inside By-pass security Hacks folder to pull out the setting file out of your phone.
  4. Drag settings.db and drop to SQLite Database Browser 2.0.exe program.
  5. Navigate to Browse data tab, At table there, click to list down the selection & selete secure

Instruction To Remove Pattern Lock:
  1. Now, find lock_pattern_autolock, Delete Record
  2. Close & save database
  3. Run push settings.db.cmd and reboot your phone

Instruction To Remove PIN Lock:
  1. Now, Find Or Create lockscreen.password_type, double-click & change it's value to 65536, Apply changes!
  2. Now, find lock_pattern_autolock, Delete Record, If doesn't exist, Ignore
  3. Close & save database
  4. Run push settings.db.cmd and reboot your phone

Instruction To Remove Password Lock:
  1. Now, find lockscreen.password_salt, Delete Record
  2. Now, find lockscreen.password_type, Delete Record
  3. Close & save database
  4. Run push settings.db.cmd and reboot your phone

Note : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.

Solution For Everyone With Recovery Installed :


1.Download and Copy Aroma File (Download from attachments) to your memory card.

2. Open your recovery (press volume Down + Power button or it can be different according to the phones. Generally the phones who have press able button on the middle they have to press all three buttons. Google for you pattern there are lots)

3. There’ll b an option in recovery called “mount”. Go in that option and then mount all the cache and everything it is there.

4. Then select “update” and select “apply update from SD/external” and select aroma file file that you downloaded using above QR code above.

5. After Flashing or updating, the aroma file manger will open. Use volume keys for up/down and power button 2 select like you use to get into recovery.

6. In aroma File manager , Go to menu , which is located in bottom strip and then select Settings.

7. Go to bottom n select “mount all partition in startup ” then exit from aroma file manger.

8. Now after exit , re-update that aroma file again and it will open again.

9. Go to data >> and then System.
Then find ‘gesture.key’ (for pattern lock) and ’password.key’ (for password lock) then long touch on gesture.key or password.key and sum option will be prompted , choose delete and delete that file and restart.

Note : If You See The Gesture Pattern Grid Or Password After Restarting, Don't Worry. Just Try Any Random Pattern Or Password And it Should Unlock.
File Type: - [Click for QR Code] (564.5 KB, 3502 views)
File Type: apkSMSBypass.apk - [Click for QR Code] (188.8 KB, 828 views)
File Type: 7zBy-pass security Hacks.7z - [Click for QR Code] (4.84 MB, 1523 views)
File Type: - [Click for QR Code] (1.37 MB, 1299 views)

tutorials from xda-devlopers

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