Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Security Tips

Don't open email attachment unless you are expecting them.

Check for the closed padlock or key symbol in the browser window when entering your credit card details and other personal information on a web site.

Only download software from sites you trust.

Assume all your emails are read by other people.

Use anti-virus software and keep the virus recognition data file up to date.

Use a good and strong password - not names or words you would find in a dictionary.  The password should be a combination of upper case alphabets, lower case alphabets, special characters and numbers..

Don't open email attachment unless you are expecting them.

Don't store important passwords on you machine or in a password saver.

Change your passwords regularly (every 45 to 90 days).

Do NOT install or connect any personal software or hardware to your organization’s network or hardware without permission from your IT department.

Do NOT give any of your user names, passwords, or other computer/website access codes to anyone.

Make electronic and physical back-ups or copies of all your most important work.

Implement Defense-in-Depth: a layered defense strategy that includes technical, organizational, and operational controls.

Establish clear policies and procedures for employee use of your organization’s information technologies.

Implement Technical Defenses: firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and Internet content filtering.

Update your anti-virus software daily.

Change the manufacturer's default passwords on all of your software.

Regularly download vendor security "patches" for all of your software.

Monitor, log, and analyze successful and attempted intrusions to your systems and networks.

Be aware of anyone attempting (either failed or successful) to gain unauthorized access to your system or its data and take necessary action to avoid it.

Store and lock your personal items such as wallets, purses, and identification when not in use.

Be aware of anyone recording or monitoring activities, taking notes, using cameras, maps, binoculars, etc., near a key facility and take necessary actions to avoid information from being  stolen/given away.  If necessary inform the security authorities.

Be aware of any attempts to penetrate or test physical security or procedures at a key facility and protect your belongings/information from being stolen.  If necessary inform the security authorities.

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