Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Five ways to delete yourself from the Internet

Finally ready to get off the grid? It's not quite as simple as it should be, but here are a few easy-to-follow steps that should at the very least point you in the right direction.

If you're reading this, it's highly likely that your personal information is available to the public. And while you can never remove yourself completely from the Internet, there are ways to minimize your online footprint. Here are five ways to do so.
Be warned however; removing your information from the Internet as I've laid it out below, may adversely affect your ability to communicate with potential employers.

1. Delete or deactivate your shopping, social network, and Web services accounts.

Social networks include sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. Shopping accounts include information stored on Amazon,, and others. And Web services might include cloud storage accounts such as Dropbox and OneDrive.

To get rid of these accounts, go to your account settings and just look for an option to either deactivate, remove, or close your account. Depending on the account, you may find it under Security or Privacy, or something similar.

If you're having trouble with a particular account, try Googling "How to delete", followed by the name of the account you wish to delete. You should be able to find some instruction on how to delete that particular account.

If for some reason can't delete an account, change the info in the account to something other than your actual info. Something fake or completely random.

2. Remove yourself from data collection sites.

There are sites out there that collect your information, mostly in order to sell you stuff. They have names like Spokeo, Crunchbase, PeopleFinder, as well as plenty of others.

Now you could search for yourself on these sites and then deal with each site individually to get your name removed. Problem is, the procedure for opting out from each site is different and sometimes involves sending faxes and filling out actual physical paperwork.

An easier way to do it, is to use a service like DeleteMe at For about $130 for a one-year membership, the service will jump through all those monotonous hoops for you. It'll even check back every few months to make sure your name hasn't been re-added to these sites.

3. Remove your info directly from websites.

First, check with your phone company or cell provider to make sure you aren't listed online and have them remove your name if you are.

If you want to remove an old forum post or an old embarrassing blog you wrote back in the day, you'll have to contact the webmaster of those sites individually. You can either look at the About us or Contacts section of the site to find the right person to contact or go to and search for the domain name you wish to contact. There you should find information on who exactly to contact.

Unfortunately, private website operators are under no obligation to remove your posts. So, when contacting these sites be polite and clearly state why you want the post removed. Hopefully they'll actually follow through and remove them.

If they don't, tip number four is a less effective, but still viable, option.

4. Delete search engine results that return information about you.

This includes sites like Bing, Yahoo, and Google. In fact Google has a URL removal tool that can help you delete specific URLs.

For example, if someone has posted sensitive information such as a social security number or a bank account number and the webmaster of the site won't remove it, you can at least contact the search engine companies to have it removed from search results.

5. And finally, the last step you'll want to take is to remove your email accounts.

Depending on the type of email account you have, the amount of steps this will take will vary.
You'll have to sign into your account and then find the option to delete or close the account. Some accounts will stay open for a certain amount of time, so if you want to reactivate them you can.
An email address is necessary to complete the previous steps, so make sure this one is your last.

One last thing...

Remember to be patient when going through this process. Don't expect it to be completed in one day. And you may also have to accept that there some things you won't be able permanently delete from the Internet.

Use Google Search to Locate Your Android Phone or Tablet, Send Directions to It & More

Send Directions to Your Android Device

If you've ever searched for directions to a location with Google Maps only to hop in your car and realize you don't remember every turn, then this first tip is for you. Just head to from any web browser (or simply use the address bar in Chrome), then type "Send Directions."
A mini-map will pop up, with a field asking "Where do you want to go?" Simply type in the address or name of the location, then click "Send directions to my phone."
Almost immediately, the Google Maps app on your phone or tablet will launch automatically, with directions to the location already queued up.



Locate Your Phone or Tablet Directly from Google Search

Last year, Google debuted a service called Android Device Manager that allows Android users to easily locate, ring, and wipe their device should it ever be lost or stolen—but this new feature makes it easier than ever.
Again, head to from any web browser, but this time search "Where's my phone."
Within a few seconds, your device's location will be displayed on the mini-map, and there's even an option to ring your phone in case it's lost in a couch cushion.

Send Notes or Reminders & Set an Alarm

For the folks that like to keep things organized, there are a few more Google Search functions for Android that will help with creating alarms and setting reminders.
First, to send yourself a note, perform a Google search of Send a note to my phone. The top result will be a box with a field that lets you quickly type out a note, which can then be sent over to your phone.

To set an alarm on your phone remotely, just type Set an alarm into Google Search. This will let you select a time for your alarm, and after clicking the link at the bottom of this box, the alarm will be set on your phone.

For a hybrid of these two features—essentially an alarm with a note attached—type Send a reminder to my phone. Fill out the fields with your reminder and the time, then you can quickly send this over to your phone, where the notification will show up in Google Now.

Which of these new features do you find more useful? Let us know...

Monday, 14 March 2016

Facebook Messenger Tips and Tricks 2016

messenger tricks 2016

1. Play Chess Game

Just type @fbchess in the Conversation chat box and then tap send button.This will open up the chess game on the messenger that you can play with the person whoom you has send this text.

2. Send Animal Image

write @dailycute in the conversation chat.This will send any randon animal image from the internet to the person whoom you are chatting with.

3.Sync with Additional Apps

just send three dots using the conversation box and the apps of other person whoom you are sending the dots will be synced to your device.

4. Log Out

Go to the android mobile settings and then clear the whole of your facebook app.This will then log you out from the Fb Messenger too.

5.Change Conversation Color

Tap on the color options from the settings options of the Fb Messenger.Select the friend and the conversation done with the selected friend.Now change the color of the conversation to that of your own wish.

6.Change Emoji in Facebook

Tap on the emoji button of the FB Messenging app and then change the default emoji of the like button to other emoji from the list that will be provided to you.

7.Mute Notifications

Long press the any chat on the Messenger and then select mute notifications option from the menu that appears.You can also select the time for the mute option according to your wish.

8. Delete Conversation

You can also delete all the conversation messages by single click.Just long press the conversation and then from the above menu just select the” All selected” option .After that just click on the Delete Button.

9. View Hidden Messages,Requests

Go to the settings of the app and then tap on the ‘People’ option in the settings menu.Now just tap on ‘open hidden messages’ option or ‘open hidden requests’ option.This will show you the hidden Messages,Requests.

10. Add Another App

Go to the settings of the app and then select ‘Accounts’ option from there.After that tap on the ‘+’ icon from there and then the app will ask you for the Fb account that you want to add.Just type your Fb account and then Click ok.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Bypass Youtube Age Limit Without Logging In

Bypass Youtube Age Limit Without Logging In

Bypass Youtube Age Limit Without Logging In
There are some videos on youtube which require you to be a member in order to watch them . What if you wanted to watch them without registering on youtube . Well here’s how to go about it.
How to watch it without logging in

We need to edit the link this way.
Replace the “?” after watch with “/” and “=” after v with “/”
So our link after editing would be:*********

Now use this link in your browser to watch the video.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Turn Your Webcam into a Spy Cam for Free

WebCam Spy

You can now easily monitor your room, office or workplace for activities going on during your absence without having to invest on expensive hidden cameras. If you’ve ever wondered to find a way to turn your PC webcam into a spy camera, here is a simple and effective solution. This can be really handy to monitor your children and pets in home or even catch a cheating spouse red handed! For this, all you need is a computer with an Internet connection and a webcam attached to it.

If your computer meets the above simple requirements, then you are all set to go. The site called provides a free solution to simply transform your webcam into a powerful spy camera in just a few steps. You can sign-up for a free account and start using the service immediately.

Since UGOlog service runs as a web application from within the browser, there is no need to install any additional software on your computer. That means, when your spouse or children look through the installed programs, they don’t find anything that arouses suspicion.


The following are some of the advantages of using UGOlog service over other software programs or a conventional spy camera:

    Firstly, the service comes for free, so that you don’t need to buy anything to start with.
    Unlike software programs such as “Webcam Monitor” which is complicated to configure and lacks stealth operation, UGOlog needs no installation and is simple to setup.
    UGOlog comes with powerful features such as as motion detection, email alerts, and interval snapshots.
    You have the option to view the camera remotely from anywhere just by logging into your UGOlog account.


Once you’ve created your account, you can take up a quick tour and browse through the configuration guide to begin using the service. The free version of UGOlog limits the service for only 1 webcam and 50 MB of storage space. If you wish to setup more than one camera and need additional space for recording more videos, you can easily switch for paid plans as per your convenience.

Free 90 + minutes of call anywhere in the world

Folks..recently I stumbled across this website that allows you to make 90+ minutes of free calls anywhere in the world. Free 90 + minutes of call anywhere in the world - theprohack.comI have tested it and its working, the catch  is that it allows only one sim per user registration (quite obvious). Guess the outbreak of SIP based connections,easy availability of switchvox and cheap leased line connections have made everyone going to setup their own calling gateways. The one provided below is a better one as compared to others as the setup is easy and calling minutes are quite enough :) If you want to try them out, just read on..
Go to Betterconferencing and Sign up there.
Sign up to get 90+ minutes-
Once you have signed up, you will get a call. Please note down the pin number.
Once you have got the pin number and authenticated your mobile number, you can login at Betterconferencingand start using their service.
Enjoy :)

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Spy on Text Messages Complete Guide

Spy on text messages

Since the popularity of text messages have significantly increased during the recent years, it has also become a popular channel for most people to exchange secret messages and engage in dubious activities. Therefore, in order to find out the truth sometimes it becomes obligatory to spy on text messages such as WhatsApp, Viber and FB Messenger. Particularly if you are a parent or an employer, it becomes your right to spy so as to investigate what is happening with your child or employee.

Popular Ways to Spy on Text Messages

The following are some of the commonly used methods to spy on text messages like as SMS, IM chat conversations and Emails.

1. Using a Spying App: The Easiest Way

Today, even though there exists a large number of mobile apps to spy on text messages, many are simply overpriced and some will never really stand up with the competition at all. However, there are a few spy apps that are really worth stating and mSpy is one among them. When it comes to spying on text messages, mSpy is my favorite one. In addition to SMS, this app is capable of spying on various text messaging apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Snapchat, iMessage, Skype and many more.
Spy on Text Messages

The following are some of the exciting features of mSpy which makes it a perfect choice for spying on text messages:
  • Spy on call logsSMS and Contacts
  • Secretly record emails, web history and bookmarks.
  • Spy on Internet activity including social media like FacebookTwitter andGmail.
  • Spy on text messaging apps like WhatsApp, iMessage, Viber, Snapchat, Skype, LINE and more.
  • Track GPS locations in real-time.
  • Record keystrokes, photos and videos.
  • Operates in a complete stealth mode and remains undetected!.
For parents and employers, mSpy can offer an additional help as it supports a handful of control features as well:
  • Block access to unwanted apps and calls.
  • Remotely lock the phone or restrict its usage.
  • Remotely delete unwanted contacts, call logs, SMS and photos if desired.
  • Get instant alerts when profane language is typed or viewed.

How it Works?

After you order mSpy you will need to install the app onto the target phone which will only take 2-3 minutes to complete. If you need any assistance, the support team is ready to help you out any time you need.
Once the installation is complete, all of the recorded text messages and data will show on your online dashboard which can be accessed from any web browser across the world.

Compatible Phones: Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile and Tablets.

2. Using a SIM Card Reader to Recover Text Messages

If you can’t really afford a spying app, you can buy a cheap SIM card reader from the market and use the target person’s SIM to recover text messages, phone contacts and email addresses stored on it. This can be done using the following steps:
  1. Switch Off the target phone and remove the SIM card from it.
  2. Insert the SIM card into the SIM card reader and plug-in the SIM card reader to the USB port on your personal computer.
  3. If your SIM card comes with a software CD/DVD, install it on your computer. This will help you recover any of the stored text messages from the SIM and store it on your PC for later review.
It is needless to mention that this method has clear drawbacks as there are chances of text messages from being deleted from the SIM before you get access to it. Also this method can only recover SMS (stored on SIM) and not other text messages from messaging apps like as WhatsApp, Viber, Snapchat etc.
Therefore to overcome this drawback I still recommend the usage of spying app like mSpy to spy on text messages.

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever Trial version software mostly comes with one month or a few days trial period and will expire af...