Saturday, 9 January 2016

How to Spoof MAC Address on Android Phones

Spoof MAC Address

Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a 12-character unique identifier assigned to a specific piece of hardware such as the network adapter of your WiFi device. In simple words, a MAC address can be used to uniquely identify your Android phone on the Internet or the local network.

Spoofing MAC Address on Android Devices

Even though MAC address is embedded on the hardware device during manufacture, it can still be spoofed to input a new one of your choice. Here is a detailed instruction on how to spoof MAC address on your Android phone.
Before you spoof the MAC address, you need to record the original/current MAC address of your device which can be done according to the instruction below:
  • On the Home Screen of your phone, tap Menu button and go to Settings.
  • Tap About Device and go to Status
  • Now scroll down to record the 12-digit code shown under Wi-Fi Mac address. An address would read something like:
    Example MAC address: E5:12:D8:E5:69:97

Requirements for Spoofing the MAC Address

  1. Rooted Android Phone
  2. BusyBox app installed on your phone
  3. Once BusyBox is installed, you need to install Terminal app
Once the above requirements are satisfied, follow the instructions below to spoof your MAC address:
  1. Open the Terminal app and type the commands as listed below:
    $ su [HIT ENTER]

    $ busybox iplink show eth0 [HIT ENTER]

    (This will show your current MAC address, just for your confirmation)
  2. Now, type the following command:
    $ busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX [HIT ENTER]

    (In the above command, replace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with your new MAC address)
  3. You have now spoofed your MAC address successfully. To check for the change enter the following command again:
    $ busybox iplink show eth0 [HIT ENTER]

    (Now you should see your new MAC address)
I hope you like this post. For feedback and queries, pass your comments

Saturday, 2 January 2016

3 Best methods to Hack Wi-fi using Android Phones

Today's stroll, I would brief you guys on the 3 Best methods to Hack Wi-fi using Android Phones.

wifi+hacking+tools logo

Weeks back ago, I got lots of mails from most of my blog readers requesting for apps that could make them hack into any vulnerable wi-fi network amongst their area through the use of their android phones. With the tips I would be breifing you on, bet me, there is a 99.9% chance for any password protected Wi-fi network to be hacked.

Method 1: Hacking of WPA2 WPS Routers

Step 1: Firstly, if your android phone isn't rooted, try to root it, and also make sure that such android phone have a Broadcom bcm4329 or bcm 4330 chipest unlike the Nexus 7, Galaxy S1/S2, Nuxus 1, Htc Desire HD, etc. The presence ofCyanogen ROM on your device can be of use to make the bcmon app work through.

Step 2: Then download and install bcmon, it's essential because it helps monitor mode on your broadcom chipest that helps in the PIN Cracking.

Step 3: After installation, run the app and tap "monitor mode" option.

Step 4: Download and Install Reaver app which helps to crack the WPS Pin to retrieve the WPA2 passphrase.

Step 5: After installation of reaver app, launch it and do an on-screen confirmation, which is, confirming that you're not using it for illegal purpose, then tap the APN or access point you'd wish to crack and continue. Most times, you might need to verify monitor mode to proceed, and this would cause the bcmon to open again. 

Step 6: Verify your settings and also make sure that you've checked the Automatic Advanced settings" box.

Step 7: Finally, start cracking process by tapping start attack, at this final stage, it can take 2-10hrs for the cracking of WPS to be successful.

Method 2: Hacking of WEP Routers

Step 1: Firstly, if your android phone isn't rooted, try to root it, and also make sure that such android phone have a Broadcom bcm4329 or bcm 4330 chipest unlike the Nexus 7, Galaxy S1/S2, Nuxus 1, Htc Desire HD, etc. The presence ofCyanogen ROM on your device can be of use to make the bcmon app work through.

Step 2: Then download and install bcmon, it's essential because it helps monitor mode on your broadcom chipest that helps in the PIN Cracking.

Step 3: After installation, run the app and tap "monitor mode" option.

Step 4: Then tap the "Run bcmon terminal" option and type "airodump-ng" and Enter. Once the airodump loads finish, you would be directed to the prompt command in which you're to type "airodump-ng wlan0" then tap the Enter button.

Step 5: In this stage, a Mac address would appear, in which you're to jot down.

Step 6: Start scanning the channel by collecting information from the access point before attempting to crack the password, then type, "airodump-ng -cchannel#--bssidMAC address-w output ath0" and tap enter, then it would start scanning, try scanning till it reaches 20,000 - 30,000 packets.

Step 7: To finally crack the password, return to the terminal, but make sure you've reached the suitable number of packets, then type "aircrack-ng output*.cap" and tap enter at the terminal.

Step 8: Once the password is cracked successfully, you would receive a message alerting, 'Key Found' and would display the key in hexidecimal form. So when entering the key, make sure you eliminate the dots '.' or double dots ':', i.e if it displays 12:34:56:78:90, then enter 1234567890 as the code.

Best Alternative: 

The use of osmino wifi app seems to be the best any easiest method when hacking into a wifi network. Actually, it doesn't do any hacking but it serve as help to retrieve the already hacked password by someone else. It also tracks down the location of such vulnerability and gets connected it's network.
To download osmino wifi app, click here.

Disclaimer: Please I won't be held responsible for any illegal activity this tips is used for, it's just for knowledge sake.Thanks Happy Hacking 

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