Saturday, 23 June 2018

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever

Trial version software mostly comes with one month or a few days trial period and will expire after that. But you can stop that expiration of the trial version software and use that trial version software forever .You can tell trial version of the software to not count days or time then the trial version software keep working like original software forever and will not expire.

1. How does these Trial Version Software Work?"

When we install trial version software in our computer system then it make an entry of details like installation date, time etc. in our systems registry. So when we run this trial version software then it compare the current date and time with the date and time in the registry.

So after trial period, the trial version software block the user from accessing the particular trial version software.

2. Use trial version software by using Run As Date

Run As Date is a portable utility software that allows you to run a program or software in the date and time that you specify. The advantage of Run As Date is that it doesn't change the system date and time but it will only inject the date and time into the desired application.
Steps to use run as date:

1. User left click on "Browse... (push button)" in "RunAsDate". Browse your installed trial version software in —> windows drive » Program Files » then find out your installed trial version software and choose that .exe file which will run your program.

2. Now choose a date and time. This new date should include within trial period of the trial version software. We recommend to select tomorrow as the date.

3. Now you will able to create a desktop shortcut for future use. To create a desktop shortcut type the shortcut name and click on create desktop shortcut or click on Run push button to open the trial version software.

3. Use trial version software by using Time Stopper.

Time Stopper will stop the trial time when it is used. If the trial period has already ended, it is of no use to use Time Stopper as it will not be able to reverse the time.

Using Time Stopper is quite easy just follow these easy steps to use trial version software forever.

1. User left click on "Browse... (push button)" in "Time Stopper". Browse your installed trial version software in —> windows drive » Program Files » then find out your installed trial version software and choose that .exe file which will run your program

Friday, 5 January 2018

The Internet Map

As we all know that whole world is navigated through a Map, So we can know how big the area is and with how many people living in that area.

The same way Internet is also having a Map. By this Map we can know that how big the website is from other and how many websites are being used by the people.

On this website you will look many big and small dots...
The Big dots contains more traffic then the small one...

By zooming in you can go in details about that site such as Global Rank of the website and estimate percentage of global internet user's visit those website's.

To know More click on the given below link:-

Internet Map

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Security Tips

Don't open email attachment unless you are expecting them.

Check for the closed padlock or key symbol in the browser window when entering your credit card details and other personal information on a web site.

Only download software from sites you trust.

Assume all your emails are read by other people.

Use anti-virus software and keep the virus recognition data file up to date.

Use a good and strong password - not names or words you would find in a dictionary.  The password should be a combination of upper case alphabets, lower case alphabets, special characters and numbers..

Don't open email attachment unless you are expecting them.

Don't store important passwords on you machine or in a password saver.

Change your passwords regularly (every 45 to 90 days).

Do NOT install or connect any personal software or hardware to your organization’s network or hardware without permission from your IT department.

Do NOT give any of your user names, passwords, or other computer/website access codes to anyone.

Make electronic and physical back-ups or copies of all your most important work.

Implement Defense-in-Depth: a layered defense strategy that includes technical, organizational, and operational controls.

Establish clear policies and procedures for employee use of your organization’s information technologies.

Implement Technical Defenses: firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and Internet content filtering.

Update your anti-virus software daily.

Change the manufacturer's default passwords on all of your software.

Regularly download vendor security "patches" for all of your software.

Monitor, log, and analyze successful and attempted intrusions to your systems and networks.

Be aware of anyone attempting (either failed or successful) to gain unauthorized access to your system or its data and take necessary action to avoid it.

Store and lock your personal items such as wallets, purses, and identification when not in use.

Be aware of anyone recording or monitoring activities, taking notes, using cameras, maps, binoculars, etc., near a key facility and take necessary actions to avoid information from being  stolen/given away.  If necessary inform the security authorities.

Be aware of any attempts to penetrate or test physical security or procedures at a key facility and protect your belongings/information from being stolen.  If necessary inform the security authorities.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

LATEST Kahoot Cheats and Hacks 2017


What is Kahoot?

Kahoot is basically an interactive game based learning platform, which is used as a tool for educational purposes in school and other learning environments. It is played by millions of people in over 180 countries. In this, there are multiple choice questions which can be created by anyone and are not restricted to age level or a particular subject. This can be played with help of mobile or using a laptop or a desktop which has the internet connection and a web browser.
Basically, Kahoot creates a game like an environment and makes learning a better experience. In this, each question is asked, for which there is at least one answer is available which is correct. Each question can be set to a specific time limit which ranges from two seconds to two minutes.

How to create Kahoot?

Anybody can create their own Kahoot game. It is not restricted to specific age group or subject matter. If you are interested in creating your own Kahoot Game then you need to follow the steps given Below

1. First, go to Kahoot's official website which is given below
2. Then Click on the Create option, You will be prompted to Log-in to your account, You can Log-in if you already have an account or you can just click on the sign-up button and set up your profile.
3. After your log-in procedure is complete you will see an option which says "New Kahoot" or "Get Kahoot" Click on that option, there you will be asked which type of Kahoot you want to create, It can be multiple choice questions, A survey or even a discussion.
4. Choose whichever is appropriate for you, Then on the next screen enter the title of your Project. And then you can easily add questions and pre loaded set of answers.
5. After each question you add, Click on the "Add new Question" button to add other questions, Once you are satisfied then you can click on the button that says "Save and Continue" After that, you can add a cover photo and simply just click on the "Done button" to finish the creating process.
6. To play the created Kahoot, You need to click the "Play" button select the questions and launch the game, after that you will be displayed with a game-pin, All the participants who are playing need to enter their nickname and game pin to log in and start answering the questions. At the end, the results are displayed based on the Kahoot type.
7. If it's a quiz it will create a Bar graph, special points are awarded according to accuracy and speed of response by the each participant. If the Kahoot is a discussion or a survey type then it will not reward any points but it will show the result in graphs

Now that you know what exactly is Kahoot and how you can set it up, Following is one of the simplest tricks which you can use to hack Kahoot which will allow you to add as many bots as you can in which will participate in your Kahoot, Keep in mind that this hack is irreversible. With this, you can easily spam any Kahoot you want. provided you know some necessary details. follow the given steps to spam the Kahoot
1. Go to the following URL
2. Copy the Game-pin of Kahoot which you want to spam, On the website Enter the pin and select number of bots which you want to add in the specific text boxes
3. Click the check box which says "I am not robot" and then click on the flood button
4. Then when you go back to the targeted Kahoot, You will notice that the bots have been added to that Kahoot, And once you start the Kahoot the bots will respond to the questions in it.

This is one of the ways to flood the Kahoot, There are many of the sites on the web which claim to have Kahoot cheats and hacks but they are not completely trustworthy. So one of the best ways you can Hack any Kahoot is by flooding it with bots as mentioned in the above procedure.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

The Blue Whale Game

Today its not about Hacking Tips or Tricks. 
Today we want to inform you all about a Dangerous Trending Game "The Blue Whale".

You all have heard about Blue Whale Game that how this game take lives of many people from many states like Mumbai, Kerala, Bangal and now Delhi too.

We just want to inform those people who still don't know how this game works.

This game is actually available on Internet easily. Its not just an app but a secret group which promote it by links on social media's
In this game their is around 50-60 days tasks which are very rare and indescribable tasks but more likely is to draw a Whale on hand by Blade or to watch horror movie for 24hours, etc. And on last days the main task which is provided to commite suicide.
And those people who were having idea of this types of games, they have stopped those children's to play that game from Indore Solhapur.

But Question arrises that why we can't leave this game in between?

For this When the player starts the game in starting periods Operators(admins) ask your all Information about you and same Operator gives you different tasks everyday, and if you want to quit this game in between, then those secret group starts blackmailing you that they will kill you and your family or will expose everything about you. For this reason you continue the game.

The main aim is to tell you about this that you must know all the information so even you can help your surroundings if you come to know.

But do we just have Danger from this game only?
No, there are many games on internet which can risks your life from which you have to be safe. 

Games like 
1:- Salt and Ice Challenge

This game is so painful that it can burn your hand in this game you have to keep salt on hand and keep Ice on it, by this it creates a reaction and skin starts burning. Whoever handles more Pain are selected winners. 
please do not try. Google it

2:- The Choking Game 
In this you have to press someone's neck or your own's neck till you don't get unconscious 
Please do not try. google it 

3:- The kylle's lips Challenge 
Those girls who wants to click perfect Pout selfie's has to suck a vodka glass or any simple small glass by their mouth till lips don't grow big, but as usuall Result also have two sides too, it failed and makes your lips forever big and many other reactions and some people can't even cure their lips till now.

So on their are many other game on internet whose main aim is just to hurt people and get depression or mental disorder. So please be carefull.
Depression is not an excuse its an Disease.
Thanks please share if you agree.
Think before you Click/Touch.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Cyber Security tips for Bloggers

If you’re a freelance blogger, your computer and smartphone are your livelihood as well as the tools of your craft.

 Guard your clients’ information

When you work for a client, they’re putting their trust in you for some task, whether it is a large one or a small one. It’s often best to simply have a safely kept print copy to work from, and then make sure to keep backup copies of the files on a flash drive or two that are also kept somewhere safe. If the file was important to you, you’d want it well protected — so do the same for your clients. You cannot presume to know precisely how important a file is, even if a client tells you!

Take basic security steps This means:

Use complex passwords that you change often
Update your computer whenever new updates are available
Use a computer security program (this is an absolute must if you want your computer to last more than a few months)

Keep up to date with the latest developments on internet security, because everything could change over the course of a few days and you never know when you might be at risk
Protect your blog and other accounts

Your blog and social media accounts are your connections to the world and to your work. Make sure they’re protected in the strongest way possible. Consider installing extra security plugins or add-ons to your WordPress account. Double check your Facebook privacy settings are exactly how you want them. Do the same with any other major websites that you use. This should also go for any online accounts you have. Try to get rid of any accounts you don’t use anymore so you can’t be traced.

Protect yourself outside your home

The best way to protect yourself if you go out a lot or travel while working is a Virtual Private Network (VPN). It will create an encrypted connection that acts like a tunnel between you and an outside server. This will be safe so you can use the internet privately and freely. If your client’s data is compromised on a public network, you may well lose that client.

Back up everything

Try several different backup methods until you find the ones that work best for you. For example:
Back your files up in redundant hard drives on your computer, which is a strong and ultimately convenient method — but an expensive one, and it puts all your files in one place.
Back up your files to the flash drive whenever you’re working and keep it in a safe place.
Consider using a cloud backup solution. The downside is that files uploaded to the cloud are not in your absolute control anymore and should the cloud come under attack there’s very little you can do about it.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

The New Cool iOS 11 Feature You Must Know

  • The Control Center in One Page Now And its Customizable

  • The Flashlight has Another Intensity Option


  • You Can Screen Record without your MAC

  • There's a One-Handed Keyboard

  • You Can Share Wif-Fi Passwords with Nearby Devices

  • You Can Send & Receive Apple Pay Cash from Friends

  • There's a File Manager App


  • There're Long Exposers!

  • Your iPhone Can Automatically Answer Calls


Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Ransomware attack: Follow these steps and stay safe

Computers across the world were locked up and users' files held for ransom when dozens of countries were hit in a cyberattack that targeted hospitals, companies and government agencies. Here's all you need to know how malware and ransomware work and what you need to do to your data safe.

What is ransomware?
It is a type of malware that essentially takes over a computer and prevents users from accessing data on it until a ransom is paid in bitcoins.

How does your computer become infected with ransomware?
In most cases, the software infects computers through links or attachments in malicious messages known as phishing emails.
The software usually is hidden within links or attachments in emails. Once the user clicks on the link or opens the document, their computer is infected and the software takes over.

What kind of files are being targeted?
- Commonly used office file extensions (.ppt, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .sxi)
- Less common and nation-specific office formats (.sxw, .odt, .hwp)
- Archive and media files (.zip, .rar, .tar, .bz2, .mp4, .mkv)
- Emails and email databases (.eml, .msg, .ost, .pst, .edb)
- Database files (.sql, .accdb, .mdb, .dbf, .odb, .myd)
- Developers' source code and project files (.php, .java, .cpp, .pas, .asm)
- Encryption keys and certificates (.key, .pfx, .pem, .p12, .csr, .gpg, .aes)
- Files used by graphic designers, artists and photographers (.vsd, .odg, .raw, .nef, .svg, .psd)
- Virtual machine files (.vmx, .vmdk, .vdi)

How can you prevent an attack?
1. Apply the patches to the Windows systems recommended by Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010.
2. Maintain updated antivirus software.
3. Keep and regularly update an offline database of important files. Ideally, backups of data should be maintained on separate devices.
4. Organisations connecting to the Internet through Enterprise Edge or perimeter network devices [UDP 137, 138 and TCP 139, 445] should block their SMB ports or disable SMBv1.
5. Users and administrators of older Windows systems such as Windows XP, Vista, Server 2008, and Server 2003 should get an update to a newer version.
Some other practices that will help keep your data safe:
* Establish an email validation system. These prevent spam and detect phishing emails, the most common tool used by ransomware attacks..
* Disable or block spam in your mailbox. Don't open attachments in suspicious and unsolicited e-mails, even if they come from people in your contact list, and never click on a URL contained in such an e-mail, even if the link seems benign.
* Deploy web and email filters on your network. Configure these devices to scan for known bad domains, sources, and addresses; block these before receiving and downloading messages. Scan all emails, attachments, and downloads with a reputable antivirus program both on the host and at the mail gateway.
* Disable macros in Microsoft Office products. Some Office products allow for the disabling of macros that originate from outside of an organization and can provide a hybrid approach when the organization depends on the legitimate use of macros. On Windows, specific settings can block macros originating in the Internet from running.
* Configure access controls including file, directory, and network share permissions with least privilege in mind.
* Block attachments of the following file types: exe|pif |tmp |url|vb|vbe|scr|reg| cer|pst|cmd|com|bat|dll|dat|hlp|hta|js|wsf
* Enable personal firewalls on individual workstations.
How to know if your system has been infected and what to do?
* If you notice that any of the files listed above or the extensions of other important files have changed to (*.wnry), then you are already infected.
* Do not pay the ransom, as this does not guarantee the files will be released. Report such instances of fraud to CERT and law enforcement agencies.
* Disconnect all network connections and external storage immediately.
* Shut down your computer and inform your organisation's IT department.
* Keep your backups ready before experts assist you.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Want Free Username and Password for some Site's?

You can surf  some of Site's without registering it.
Go to the link below:

just type the name of the site and get the username and password.

Monday, 27 March 2017

WhatsApp Spy Application

WhatsApp spy application for Android lets you spy on any WhatsApp conversations.

Nowadays technology has driven a wedge between parent and their children at the same time provided parents with tools they can use to keep tabs on their troubled teens.

Every parent finds themselves worried over their children activities almost everytime. It's a difficult time for parents: as their children learn how to be more independent, they are left in the strange vacuum of not having quite as much control over their children as before.
For teens, WhatsApp provides an alternative to Facebook and their phone’s native texting app, both of which are likely to be far more similar to WhatsApp than their parents. Teens are flocking to WhatsApp because it gives them the privacy and freedom to exchange any messages they want with whomever they want.

With kids sending so many messages every waking hour, so many parents are concerned on how they can monitor these messages to look for signs of abuse or involvement in prohibited activities? Up until recently, if a parent wanted to monitor these messages, the only opportunity they have is to look at their children's cell phone and hope the messages have not been deleted.

Most teens are so smart that they will delete this messages, so their parents had no reliable way to recover those messages, and therefore there was no way to find out what their kids are involved in. The good news is now there is NOW a way for parents to monitor their children's text messages by using a low-cost, and highly reliable WhatsApp spy application for Android which requires no root.

One Day free trail available .. for purchase contact on  +91 88668-17254
For one Day free trail follow below step in your android phone.
go to phone menu = google settings= security = verify apps= scan Device for security threates & improve harmful app detection both turn off
then open any browser
type link
open downaloaded file
next = next
i m new user
put email id and put password.
go to phone settings= accessibility = Android system = turn on

Try it Now.

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever

Top 5 ways to use trial software forever Trial version software mostly comes with one month or a few days trial period and will expire af...